
3 years... i've been a dormant blogger for that long.

i read some of my age-old entries. updates are definitely warranted. i'd love to share what i've done with my dreams so far, but i'll save that for a separate post ;P

for now, here are some of the updates in my life and in the world around me in reference to my 2007 chinese new year predictions:
  • i predicted gloria will remain as the country's president. well in spite of numerous impeachment cases filed against her, she did held on to her post. 2010 national elections came about and she'll be turning over the seat to president-elect noynoy. she will not be leaving politics though, because she just won herself a seat in the congress. yeah, from president to congresswoman... that's what i call addiction to power.
  • i also predicted manny pacquiao won't run in the 2007 elections. wrong! he did, but he lost. he pursued again in the 2010 may elections as a representative of another province. unfortunately, imho, he won. that leaves me and the whole boxing community in wonder to what his sporting career will turn out to be.
  • indeed, no climb in halcon or apo pushed through. but i'm very proud to say a climb in pulag, complete with side trips to some places of interest, materialized. thanks to me! ;) however for the past couple of years, OCMI, the mountaineering group i belong in, has slipped into hibernation. it still is now. hopefully things will turn around. when that time comes, i'm sure outdoor adventures will be a hundred more loaded with fun. there's a baby boom in the group so let's expect the mommies and daddies in the group (that include me and ten!) to bring along the ocmilets in the climbs ;)
  • running and running events became a norm in our health-conscious-developing society. ten and i joined a number of running events which i lost tracked of... although, one thing i do remember every time we sign up for one is how the registration fees has gone up from a measly 100-250 to an exorbitant 250-700 pesos!?! the price we pay for a champion chip and photovendo...
  • an out of town vacation every month? not. almost every month, yes! and where riding a plane to get to our destination turned out to be a thing every quarter. ten and i visited and toured nine different provinces in luzon, visayas and mindanao in 2007 alone. in 2008, we had our first out of the country trip. and in 2009, we plunged in to our greatest adventure ;)
  • i did lose ten pounds. actually 18 pounds during the second half of 2008. not exactly a good thing because i did not really mean and worked on to lose all 18 pounds of them... i had eczema. the itchiness and discomfort was so unbearable. it spread from my lower limbs to my whole body. rashes, blisters, wounds were all over my body. it was so unsightly and depressing. i lost a lot because of depression, and even more when i decided to forego the steroid treatment which only gave temporary relief. instead, i went on a cleansing, raw and paleolithic diet for almost 2 months to rid my system of allergens and toxins, and to let my body heal itself. it worked! =) two years has already gone by and the eczema scars are still visible though. now, i'm praying and seeking ways to treat my scars.
  • i had a job after a month of posting the entry. stuck with it for almost two years before realizing i'm happier with my career, learning and development in my previous job. with much gratitude to PSEnvi, i was back to where i started. but only after a year. it turned out God had better plans for me soon enough. so here i am now, having one of the most noble and rewarding professions in the world: a fulltime housewife to a wonderful husband and mother to our first bundle of joy. =)
that's it for now. more things to tell, really. but as i've said, i'll save it for a separate post/s ;P

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