It's now past noon. The sky is still bleak and gray. Heavy rain continued to pour, but it is the wailing wind that worries me. The trees has been swaying wildly from side to side. I fear tree branches will come hurtling through my bedroom window. I fear the santol and mango trees in the backyard will fall and damage our house. I watch my would be horror on my dry bed.
...I am dry and comfortable, less the troubled feeling. Dry...
Years ago, back in the apartment we used to live in, my drama with torrential rains and shrieking winds were real.
Our tattered roof gave us all the feeling it would finally give way. Water would be dripping from almost everywhere. Our cramped apartment would then be littered with catch basins here and there. The bathroom door would always be kept shut because the "shower" was at full blast and can not be turned off. And, the water closet was gurgling with something from everybody knows where.
When rain continued to pour hard, we are treated to free big pools. We would be waddling through ankle deep water in our bungalow apartment, and through almost knee-deep water in the garage. We would then be bustling ourselves moving things to higher places. At syempre, and pinakamasaya, maglimas ng baha. (No sarcasm intended.)
But it wasn't fun forever. It became tiresome as i grew up. No matter how we moved our things, something important gets drenched. Waddling though flood wasn't as exciting as the years gnaw on me. The catch basins became an irritating sight. And the bathroom... Nobody uses the bathroom during those times.
That was how we were years ago. Now I lie here on my dry bed, in our own house with good roofing and good sewage line, in a subdivision with good drainage system. I have almost nothing to worry about. Nothing except petty things my mind can only imagine. Nothing except wishing everyone else is dry and comfortable as I am.
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